Saturday, November 17, 2012

This is not about Savita

No, Savita died because either her doctors didn't think she was in imminent danger, or because they were unsure of the law. On the second point, what pro-choice is exposing, is their rabid desire for abortion on demand.


  1. Awww, look - a new fan base. ::waves::

  2. It's your choice to tweet what prompts me to add you to this blog. I am guessing I will see you here often.

  3. The law in Ireland is unclear,because the antichoice lobby have pushed hard against any attempts to clarify the precise meaning of Amendment 8 to the Irish Constitution in re: the legality of abortion when a woman's life is endangered.

    So, YES, the anti-abortion lobby was responsible for her doctor's refusal to provide her adequate medical care, as indicated by the statements made by the doctors and nurses who were refusing to provide that care.

    But have fun pretending otherwise.

    1. They would have to legislate 20,000 +/- different scenarios which *could* happen to a pregnant woman, to completely clarify the law. With that being impossible, we will have to trust the doctors who were there, and who have an excellent record of not killing women.
