Friday, November 30, 2012

The Three "What If's"

No, most people believe killing unborn babies is wrong. But given the constant barrage of "what if's", i.e. rape, incest, life of the mother.. they say abortion should remain legal. What they don't understand, is that the vast majority of abortions are done simply because it's a bad time for the mother. And what they don't know, is that abortion will remain legal for women who were raped, victims of incest, and to save a woman's life. Pro-life activists are continuing their progress in educating the American public about the lies of the pro-choice lobbyists.

Using God to do what?

What pro-life believes is sick and twisted, is using God to justify doing this to His unborn children.

Unimpossible Definition "Fetus = Child"

Actually, by defintion, a child is an unborn or recently born person. So not only IS a fetus a child, it's also a person.

Monday, November 26, 2012

#ProChoice Moron Alert

Kill the babies and let the rest of us be killed by terrorists. Yep, he/she is a moron.

Bladder Cancer = Baby?

This make perfect sense. If you're a pro-abort.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Regretting Letting Your Child Live?

Sad isn't it? I can understand the trauma women go through who gave their child up for adoption. It's a selfless act. However, I cannot understand women who regret giving up their baby, and now wish they would have killed it in utero instead.

Attacking Words

This is the tweet he was mocking. Attacking a pro-lifer for using the term infant when referring to a baby who hasn't been born yet, is so pro-choice. What a waste of time this guy is.

The "Rape Card"

So often when pro-life explains their views on why women who had CONSENSUAL sex, should be responsible for the new life they create, this is what we get, the rape card. Abortions following rape account for +/- 3% of all abortions.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Un-Female Fetuses

Of course the CDC only counts deaths of those with a birth certificate. And you know, if you don't have one of those, you're just a 'clump of cells'.

Paying Your Own Way = Responsibility

Give a pro-abort enough time, and they'll figure out that the government, i.e. the US taxpayer, shouldn't be held responsible for what they themselves should pay for. Things like, you know, birth control and abortions? And before you think "It's not the government who will pay, it's the insurance company's", I'll say, the cost of funding your sex life will be passed on to ALL consumers, so yeah, the US taxpayer will bear the brunt of the cost.

Religious Whats?

This is why I had to set up a separate blog. The language, a.k.a. F-bombs frequently used by the pro-aborts, would be offensive to many readers. But a newsflash for this moron, you don't have to be religious to be pro-life. You just have to care that human beings are killed by abortion, and want the slaughter to stop.


A bigger indignity, is intentionally killing a human fetus that you could have prevented being created in the first place, but didn't bother. And no, this is not to say women should die for a fetus, even if that fetus is wanted.

Abortion DOES Kill Babies

And if you support abortion, i.e. if you are "Pro-Choice", you support killing babies, i.e. you are a baby killer. Don't like the title? Don't support abortion dumbass!

Created At Birth?

We all know, and I am sure @notmuchelse knows as well, babies are not 'created' at birth. It's takes 9 months from conception for that baby to develop to full term. To say abortion prevents creation, is indeed idiotic.

Misquoting The Obvious

Choicer's just can't turn around what someone says (and means), quick enough. Sad to us quotes, when that wasn't what she said at all. The girls she was referring to, are the ones who have no regard for the new life that may be created when they have sex, and with no thought of protecting themselves from pregnancy. You know the ones.

Kids Are Cute, But...

If you ever wondered why pro-life says pro-choice causes a lack of respect for human beings.. here's your sign!

About "Human" Rights

The most basic human right IS the right to life. The human right @KushielsMoon is referring to, is the legal right for a woman to kill her unborn child, such as the one in the lower-right quadrant of the picture above.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Because you know, it's all about you!

Crush? Not hardly. You do make for great blog fodder though. And in all fairness, you were warned!

Because ACOG Said So! (UPDATED)

Ok, so they're ACOG. They are the same ACOG who redefined "when pregnancy begins" as being at implantation rather than conception. Why did they do this? Because of the hormonal birth control pill market. BCP's are known to have capabilities of preventing implantation of a developing baby. If word got out that BCP's could act as an abortifacient, the BCP market would have crashed. Yes, it was all about the money. More recently, ACOG has stated that BCP's should be sold over the counter! Why? Because insurance companies are going to be forced to pay for BCP's and other forms of birth control, under Obamacare. Again, it is all about the money. When I hear it's "because ACOG said so", I cringe. ***UPDATE*** SURE it didn't!!!

Evolving Feelings on Abortion

And there are thousands of women who's views on their own abortions have 'evolved'. You can read some of their stories here. You can also find help there, should your feelings about your own abortion have evolved into regret.

Murder is Murder

I wonder if they changed the legal definition of murder to include killing unborn human beings by abortion, would pro-aborts still defend it? I am guessing they would.

Killing Your Unborn Baby = Responsible Parenting

She's not talking about waiting to have sex, or even use birth control, until you're ready to have kids. She's talking about aborting them until you're ready to give one the right to life. You may go on to grant that gift of life to other children, but you can never replace the child you killed by an abortion.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How The Younger #ProChoice Generation Thinks

What concerns me about this, is the lack of regard for human life, at any stage.  They have been taught that unborn babies are of no value unless they're wanted, and they equate that with getting rid of crying children?  And not that I take a tweet like this seriously, but should something like this ever come out of someone's mouth, much less cross their mind?  It's a slippery slope that I don't know if we can ever recover from. This is going to be an add on post.. like the tweet below.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Does 'Choice' = 'Forced Abortion'?

Actually, pro-lifers know full well the difference in 'choice' and 'forced abortion'. Well, most of us do anyway. Some see abortion as being forced on the unborn child (ir is), which would make their 'choice = forced abortion' claim valid. What pro-choicers don't understand, is that supporting 'choice' leads to the death of an unborn human being. I've learned that a great many pro-choicer's are actually pro-life personally. What they're saying is 'I would never kill my baby, but I'll support you in your decision to kill yours'. A perfect example of this is below.

Abortion is Nature Taking It's Course

Nature? No, leaving the baby to develop naturally, is nature. Removing the baby before it's able to survive in the outside world is murder.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Problem With OTC Birth Control (UPDATED)

And the solution: Make ALL birth control (pills) OTC. Insurance company pays zero. UPDATE: Ask and you shall receive. From Jezebel American College of OB/GYNs (ACOG) Says Birth Control Should Be Sold Over the Counter!! Anyone surprised? Me neither. Feminists only *thought* they were going to force insurance companies (and US taxpayers), to pay for their birth control. Bet they didn't see this coming! ***This is probably what @nicki2377 was referring to.

Fetal Tax Breaks

Silly pro-aborts. A fetus doesn't get a tax break, but his or her parents will. This will help feed the kids they already have.

@kaylynuke says... (UPDATED)

Even if you prove that Ireland's pro-life laws caused Savita's death, you still won't have an argument, idiot. Because people like you who want to turn Ireland into an abortion on demand country, will have the blood of 11,000 unborn children on your hands. UPDATE: Pro-abort meltdown in action! Look Kayly, when you come up with something besides contraception and KILLING UNBORN CHILDREN to correct the lousy maternal mortality rate in the US, come back and we'll talk. Chances are you won't, because you can't think beyond your own uterus!

Because the only right that matters...

Because the only right that matters... to pro-choice women, is their legal right to kill their unborn baby.

Hypocrisy Defined

In other words, you need to know the definitions of words, but you're not allowed to use the dictionary to learn them. In the tweet below "MW" refers to Merriam Webster.

Abortion IS Discrimination

According to my new friend Heather, rights are given to human beings at the discretion of other human beings. Yet she doesn't see that abortion is discriminatory.

Monday, November 19, 2012

2 Women in 30 years?

If all they can come up with is 2 women in 30 years who died after being denied an aborition in Ireland... pro-life Ireland's got this!

Is A Blowjob Cannibalism?

Since human sperm is part of a human, and since you ingested said sperm, then yes, a blow job is cannibalism. So it must therefore be also true that abortion is in fact murder.

Because Democrats Must Demonize Their Opponent

I guess they ran out of vicious names to call pro-lifers. I didn't bother with the link. Saw no need after reading that hateful tweet.

Protect Women From Laws

So if I went to Iraq, their goverment would protect me from being raped, stoned, and whatever awful things they do to women. No. If you choose to go to, or live in, a country with different beliefs than you have, you either abide by their beliefs and/or laws, or you don't go.


Or maybe they did everything they could. Given Ireland's outstandingly low rate of maternal mortality, I'd say she was in the best place she could be.

No More Pregnant Women To Die In Ireland

If only it were that simple.

'This is a Catholic country'

Given the name she chose for herself "Ladyfuckwit", there's just not a lot to say about the tweet.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ladies, think before you act.

Seriously, why would a woman want to give a part of herself to a man who she didn't think would be a good dad?

The "Right" Side Of History

Ahh, how they claim the right is on the wrong side of history. But seriously, given the choice, which we all have, I'll stay on the right side, the side which is unforgiving when it comes to killing innocent human beings.

Pro-Choice Activists Had 3 Days to Plan Exploitation of Savita's Death

Some seem confused as to why this is important. What it means, is that not only is it obvious that Savita's death is being exploited, it's obvious that that was the intention from the beginning.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Showing Reality of Abortion = Slut Shaming

You'll have to read the convo, if she doesn't delete her part of it first that is. Oh wait, just in case...
FYI Samm, I find dismembering human fetuses offensive. Does this matter to you? Nope


Because sometimes all they can find to attack, is your errors.

Why force birth?

Because the alternative is allowing the slaughter of unborn human beings.

This is not about Savita

No, Savita died because either her doctors didn't think she was in imminent danger, or because they were unsure of the law. On the second point, what pro-choice is exposing, is their rabid desire for abortion on demand.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Politicizing Women's Bodies

Who? Guess it all depends on who you ask. Obama policized women bodies, but they elected him anyway.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

#ProChoice Medical Experts Have Spoken

And yet pro-aborts can assert that abortion *was* necessary to save Savita's life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Killed Savita Halappanavar?

The link leads to the Tumblr post as seen below.
So what would would my opinion be about what happened to Savita? Well, I'm no doctor but... neither are you. Let's wait for the experts to tell us what happened to her.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cruelty - Circumcision vs Dismemberment

Because a parent's decision to circumcise their male children, based on health or religious reasons, is more cruel than a parents decision to have their unborn children killed and dismembered.

The #ProChoice Spin Doctor

Because scaring women is how they keep women in line.

Reframing the acronym GOP

Because you know, democrat senators should start a trend of disrespecting their Republican colleagues. A closeup of the shirt is below.

The #ProChoice Coathanger Myth

No, actually it's not, as this new study proves.

Monday, November 12, 2012

But doing this to an unborn baby because you had to have your 30 minutes of orgasmic glory is what? Fair?

Defund Boy Scouts

Sure, because hurting the other 99% of the boys is just cause, right?

On religion in politics

Of course you don't. We would turn Roe over tomorrow if we were.

Allowing your children to be killed: Manly

If you won't protect your unborn children from slaughter, why should you be trusted with anything else?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

America about the choice to kill?

No, America is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We're not about killing someone else, calling it liberty, and pursuing your own happiness at someone else's expense.

Worrying about children

Oh we do worry about the children, we just start worrying a bit sooner than you do.

On Choosing What To Do With Your Boby

Neither could she.

Who has a conscience?

Why would anyone with a conscience kill an unborn baby? Simply put, they wouldn't.