Friday, November 23, 2012

Because ACOG Said So! (UPDATED)

Ok, so they're ACOG. They are the same ACOG who redefined "when pregnancy begins" as being at implantation rather than conception. Why did they do this? Because of the hormonal birth control pill market. BCP's are known to have capabilities of preventing implantation of a developing baby. If word got out that BCP's could act as an abortifacient, the BCP market would have crashed. Yes, it was all about the money. More recently, ACOG has stated that BCP's should be sold over the counter! Why? Because insurance companies are going to be forced to pay for BCP's and other forms of birth control, under Obamacare. Again, it is all about the money. When I hear it's "because ACOG said so", I cringe. ***UPDATE*** SURE it didn't!!!

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