Friday, December 14, 2012

Shaken Phone Syndrome

Pro-Choice making excuses for their own intolerance, impatience, and selfishness. This seems to be a case of "Spoiled Princess Syndrome".

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Abortion: Murderers Should Be Jailed, Right?

Either we believe abortion is murder, and we should put women in jail for having their unborn babies killed, or we say women should not be put in jail for murdering their unborn babies. So which is it? Well, there is a third option. Putting the abortionist in jail, after all, he/she is the person who actually did the killing. I'll choose the third option.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fulfilling Desires

And people have abortions to fulfill their own desires. Not being able to love an unexpected child is indeed selfish.

Equating Unborn Humans With Sperm and Eggs?

Equating sperm and eggs, with a developing human? Really? Basic biology tells us that a sperm is just a sperm, and an egg is just an egg. When the two are joined however, marks the beginning of an individual human beings life. To deny that fact is moronic.

Basic Human Right (to life)

The most basic 'human right', is the right to life. Funny how pro-aborts overlook the fetus' bodily autonomy in favor of their own.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Teen Mom Celebrity Finds Reality When Tweeting Pro-Life Beliefs

I read her timeline and was surprised at the positive reactions she received. Here's a few of them: I'm not intimately familiar with the show, though I have of course heard of it. I get the impression that Catelynn made the choice to give her baby to a loving couple via adoption. Katrina, as in the tweets below, had some serious issues with Catelynn's tweet. Sad, but I would have to say after reading them, that Katrina has some serious issues, period. She wasn't the only one. The tweeter below disagrees with adoption. I get the impression she's pro-life, but only if you keep the baby. Below, Catelynn is referring to "rape babies". There's plenty more in her timeline. You should go read it while it's still there.

Birth = Abortion, According To Pro-Aborts

IF abortion = the termination of a pregnancy, and birth is also the termination of a pregnancy, then birth is the same as abortion, right? No? Yes? No. Abortion is INTENTIONALLY terminating the pregnancy. But wait, isn't that what women who are induced, or have c-sections are doing? Yes. Abortion rhetoric is confusing, even to pro-aborts apparently.

Your Mother's Choice

What that tweet should say is: "My mother didn't have the legal right to kill me in the womb. If yours did, consider yourself lucky to be here" I don't understand the mentality of thinking if your mother chose not to kill you, while reserving the right to kill your siblings, it makes you special or something. It makes you damn lucky. That. Is. All.

The Repro Rights Ruling Class

Disturbing. For her, Repro rights (abortion) defines all other rights. I don't even want to think where we would be if we began defining our laws based on a woman's right to kill her unborn baby.